- Pasta
- Bread
- Porridge
- Baked Goods
- Cereals
- Sweets
- Breaded Food
- Flour
Production, Consumption, and Trade
- Produce 7,478 TMT (thousand metric tons) of wheat
- Produce both durum and soft wheat
- Consume 11,256 TMT
- Export 2,718 TMT
- Import 6,371 TMT
- 9th largest exporter
- 13th largest consumer
- Soft wheat from France and other central-eastern European countries
- Test to see if soil is viable for planting
- Break top soil to add seeds (commercial tiller)
- Add fertilizing agents
- Seeds planted in furrows using a wheat drill attached to tractor
- Water
- Insecticides and Pesticides
- Combine machine harvests wheat
*Cited from
Wheat- World Supply and Demand Summary. Online Article: http://www.spectrumcommodities.com/education/commodity/statistics/wheat.html
How is Wheat Grown and Harvested? Online Article: http://www.wisegeek.org/how-is-wheat-grown-and-harvested.htm
How is Wheat Grown and Harvested? Online Article: http://www.wisegeek.org/how-is-wheat-grown-and-harvested.htm
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